Passengers are divided into "seas" (including: Adriatic, Aegean,
Arabian, Baltic, Bering, Caribbean, Mediterranean, Red, Yellow, and a
sea specifically for the Lifelong Learners, Professors and children of
faculty-this year the Vitamin 'C'). The student seas are generally
determined by the hallway of their deck. The seas then compete in an
all-day Olympic challenge. Opening ceremonies were held the night before
and no classes are held during the Olympics. Events this year included
synchronized swimming, pull-ups, dodgeball, Jeopardy, a lip-sync,
backwards spelling bee, wet t-shit relay, frozen t-shirt contest, and
more. The winning sea gets bragging rights for the rest of the semester
and a grand prize which is the opportunity to disembark the ship first.
The Aegean Sea (the sea I am in) led the ship with our sportsmanship and
creativity...everyone participated and dressed up. We, however, came in
3rd overall missing 1st place by only a few points.
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